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Whenever a legal decision or action concerns the identification of a private lot, such as an apartment, terrace, garden, garage, cellar, etc., in a co-owned building, it is necessary to include the cadastral designation of the specific lot in question.

If someone intends to sell private lots in a collective building, they or their architect must submit a request to the relevant administration for the "vertical cadastre," which is a descriptive table of the building's division, to be halted with the cadastre and topography services.


At TRUST GROUP, we understand the significance of cadaster vertical in the current building and selling market. Our team of experts is experienced and dedicated to providing a reliable and efficient service to our clients. Ensuring the preparation of the necessary documentation for new and existing buildings, which can range from a full building report to filing the completed file with the relevant administration.

We understand the significance of cadaster vertical in the current building and selling market.

Contact us today to learn more on how we can assist you.

These four examples showcase the range of files that our services offer. 

From a straightforward two-family building to a complex building with over 300 lots.

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